Friday, April 3, 2009

First Dates & Zombies: A KILLER Combination

I decided to do a little research and try an internet date.  I have to know every facet of the dating world in order to relate to my readers, right?

I decided to try because it was free.  Keep in mind this is the first time I tried this.  

I emailed this guy who looked cute.  He was tall.  Super smart.  Seemed like it could be fun.  After a few short emails he suggested we meet up.  Really?  How easy was that?  Perhaps I've found the dating goldmine!

We decided to meet up an art gallery.  Which was great for me--in familiar territory.  I get to shine a bit.  Which is why any artsy girl would love to meet a guy in her own "territory" so that she can show off a bit.

I don't want to tell too many details.  And I don't pretend that I was super well behaved.  But there were certain behaviors on his part that seem obvious, but could be vamped up a bit.

1.  Smile please!  Laugh at my jokes.  I'm not saying I am hilarious.  But it is nice when someone smiles back when they see you smiling.  
2.  Ask me about myself.  
3.  When I ask you questions, don't just stare at me.  Answer the question in detail and don't act secretive.
4.  Avoid discussing politics or assuming that the other person has similar politics as you.
5. Don't talk about how having a gun might be smart in the near future for when the zombies attack if you actually believe that this will happen.  Or explain a comment like this further.  This might scare girls off.  Especially if she asks, "Are you joking?" and your answer is "No".  I asked him if he meant that people will rise from the dead and he rolled his eyes and said ,"No.  I mean when the masses rise as things get worse with the economy".

Take what you wish from this example.  I'm just saying.  Alot of you guys have more to offer than you think.  There are some real characters in the art world.

1 comment:

  1. You use the 'word' "ALOT" a lot! (I've noticed 4 times in different posts) Please, for the sake of artsy girls with masters degrees, use spell check.
