Sunday, June 28, 2009

Dating Dilemma: To Talk or Not to Talk

I recently spoke with a woman in her late 20's whose boyfriend of over a year moved to another country to pursue a career for an indefinite amount of time.  He was supposed to come back to the States a month ago to be with her, but decided to stay on overseas a bit longer.

She told me that she wasn't sure if she should stick with the guy since he left.  She isn't sure if he will ever want to be married or have kids.  He professes his love to her often.  The problem is that she read his journal and he wrote that he wasn't all that into her and wasn't sure that he would want her to move overseas to be with him.  Yikes!

My advice to her:

1.  I write a lot of things in my journal and later change my mind, so it doesn't necessarily mean anything.  
2.  She should talk to him.  Not to give him an ultimatum, but because they have been together for awhile.  She doesn't even know if he wants to have kids or get married some day.  So she could approach it in a practical way and tell him she just wants to know what he wants in a relationship.  Perhaps his staying there IS the answer to her questions.  But open communication is the best way to have a meaningful relationship. 

She is concerned about being alone when she is 33.  I don't know why that is the cutoff age for her.  33 is young!  But if it is a concern, then she shouldn't waste her time with a guy who won't want to marry her.  

If it were early in the relationship I would tell her to relax and enjoy it.  But she has invested enough time already that she deserves some answers. 

Most importantly, she shouldn't have read his journal.  That shows that there is a communication gap.  Talk to the guy!

What would you have told her? 

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