Friday, April 3, 2009

Why Me?

Why am I qualified to write a blog on Art and Dating?

1.  I have a Masters in Visual Arts Administration from NYU
2.  I have worked at an Art Gallery in New York for more than two years
3.  I grew up with three brothers, so understand how men think
4.  I happen to be an artsy woman and know how women like myself think
5.  I worked in the Insurance industry for 2 years with 20 sales men so I understand business men
6.  I have dated ALOT and have had some pretty interesting experiences that I think both men and women can learn from
7.  I'm a natural matchmaker and Wing Woman
8.  I want to help people find happiness in dating!!!

1 comment:

  1. if i were a dude, i'd totally sign up! great blog, Brooke! --Wendy
